Andreu González Castro
Andreu González Castro is a Catalan author of poetry, historical fiction and non-fiction books. He has also written short stories. His books have sold more than 40.000 copies.
He’s the author of six books of poems: Currículum vítae (Ayto. de Madrid, 2002), Retablo de Nueva York (Universidad de Sevilla, 2004), Obra Nueva (Arabuleila, 2004), Epigrames del Mas d’en Gall (Tarafa, 2007), Maniobras diversives (Fundación Miguel Hernández, 2008) and Apuntes para un atlas (Hiperión, 2015).
He has also written the short stories collection Safata d’entrada (IEI, 2009) and has coordinated together with Dr. Iván Sánchez Moreno La palabra justa. Homenaje a José Carol (Dux, 2009). 100 motius per ser del Barça i no ser del Madrid (Cossetània, 2010), a non-fiction book written with Armando Luigi Castañeda, was the first bestseller of the author. Andreu González has also published 100 moments estel·lars del Barça (Cossetània/Lectio, 2011), 365 acudits per a culers (Cossetània, 2013) and 365 acudits per a indepes (Cossetània, 2015).
Regarding fiction, González has written three novels with Ramon Gasch. The first of them was Bon cop de falç! (Columna, 2011). It was awarded Nèstor Luján de prize for historical novels. They wrote a sequel entitled Defensors de la terra (Columna, 2013). Their last collaboration so far is La venjança dels almogàvers (Columna, 2015).
He has collaborated with several media like monthly magazine El Ciervo, online opinion newspaper El Matí Digital and La Xarxa Ràdio.